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A Tribute to Peter Michael Valentine Rich

While in the past I had a habit of living in the past, I do want to take this opportunity today to celebrate and introduce to you someone who did live here and it would have been his 42nd birthday today. 1982 - 2016.

Peter was one of the most kind, loving, genuine and flamboyant humans I’ve known. He had a way with words and writing, a way to convey depths of information, make sense of them and communicate with characterful literacy. He had a way of seeing people in their absolute truth and meeting all with a deep sense of compassion, because he had to meet himself in that way so many times, and it was simply in his nature to love people and be curious about them.

His passion for astrology rubbed off onto me as he would spend his time diving into my chart and helped me make sense of myself at a time when I was knee deep second year of my MFA, I lived in Manhattan, I was 22 and my life was… ahh, very active and emotional. We met at a “Consciousness Hacking” meet up where I had just presented my work at the end of the talk and we ended up going down the elevator together. It was a Supermoon and while having no idea who each-other were, there was a magnetism. We decided to walk the night time streets getting to know one another and ended up in a cafe somewhere around Union Square. NY was like that- it allowed for random encounters. I remember it like yesterday. That’s where it all started, one day I would like to share more of the story.

Shortly after we met he moved to Brazil to study Amanae and go incredibly deep with himself. We wrote and talked often until I was able to visit a few years later. He was my best friend and we explored partnership together, we just loved each other deeply and yet it just wasn’t meant to be in this life-time. His passing came as the most ultimate shock and initiated me into such a deep experience and process around life, death, love, loss, grief.

He used to send out a generous monthly newsletter sharing the upcoming foothills and terrain that the stars had in store for us and his gentle usherings of how to go deeper navigating the waters of our soul’s journey, I’m sure many of us miss those.

He was a poet, musician, therapist and a deep lover of life, and finally after 2 years of studying Amanae in Brazil he had done so much of the inner work that he felt freed in many ways. Then, some months on in December, it was time to move on.

I feel him, especially around his birth-day and his death-day. Part of me wonders what could have been, and the other just lets it be as it is. Its times of reflection that I realise just how special he was and he was to me and, although tragic, the love story we weaved together.

I feel his love and his presence and his support around me, and for that I am grateful and I know he is out there living his joy in the timeless realm, swimming in glistening seas and having deep breaths in his lungs.

Here’s a little video compilation of things I found today as a little tribute and Birthday gift and celebration of him 🌅 I just would like you to be touched too by his essence and also head this message that is coming through:

Life is short. Live it while you can. Nurture your soul and your essence and drop giving yourself that hard time. You’re doing your best and that is all that is required. If you knew how precious it was to simply have one breath on earth you would never take it for granted again. To have a body that breathes. A body that your life breathes into, that your heart beats for, billions of cells that are all yours. You are more precious and boundless than anything you could possibly comprehend, and the light of your presence upon the world has ripple effects unimaginable to your current consciousness.

Just being is enough.

You are enough.

Let your light shine upon yourself and shed away any fear of being bright. You will burn away the filters of un-truth within others and not everyone is going to like it.

Nonetheless, you must shine, with your love, with your heart, with all that you are. For that is where you will find where you buried yourself and set yourself free.

Peter Michael Valentine Rich. You were something else. I’ll always love you, and thank you for everything. Thank you for showing me the richness of my soul when I couldn’t see it for myself. Thank you for lightening the load when it was all too much and showing me alternative perspectives. Peter the “window maker”. Thank you for your constant companionship, and thank you for your respect, and most of all, your love, and for sharing that with me.

Peter was loved by so many. In the end, when we pass, what we leave behind are imprints of how our spirit shone upon this world and others. Please remember that you are a precious gift that deserves all the love in the world.

Our physical vessels are fragile and anything can happen at any time. Be selfish, but don’t forget to dote upon those you love as you never know when the world will turn upside down and teach you all the lessons of grief and letting go.

Peter is part of my story and part of my past, and I’ll forever love the fact that he was, and still is there now, just in a different way. I hope you might appreciate seeing his light today too, and turn your attention inward to celebrate your life, your body, your loved ones, and all the little things that are sacred to us humans that we pass over all too often.

A leaf on a tree, a petal of a flower, the dust on the windowsill, the ground beneath your feet, your discomfort, your pain, your pleasure. What is amplified doesn’t always deserve our attention, listen to what does, we always have a choice.

What many souls would give to be where you are now. Treasure it, bless it, and breathe deep, powerful, strong breaths, re-center and take one step at a time. One foot in front of the other. Giving yourself the compassion, love and nourishment that you require.

So much love to everyone out there, I hope this touched you in the best of ways.

Stephi x




©2024 by Stephanie Burgess | Frequency Healer and Life Coach

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